Frank Wang

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Summer Snippets

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  • Dragon In Harmony - Marcin
  • EQUINOX - Venna
  • Past, Present & Future - The Rah Band
  • New Era - LeBlanc
  • You’ve Got It Bad Girl - Quincy Jones
  • Charm - Clario


  • The Last Samurai - Helen DeWitt
    Seven samurai, seven possible fathers.
  • Rickshaw - 老舍 (Translation by Jean M. James)

    The shiftlessness of the poor is the natural result of having their bitter toil amount to nothing.

  • The MAGA Aesthetic Is AI Slop


  • Princess Mononoke - Hayao Miyazaki
  • Fantastic Mr. Fox - Wes Anderson
  • Neat art: Santa Ynez California Hillside , 1969, Eyvind Earle

To Watch

  • The Seven Samurai - Akira Kurosawa

Developed and scanned by Photoworks SF and WeiMa Photo Shanghai