Frank Wang

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Coming Back to Photography

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Many years ago, I spent quite a long period of my life intensely practicing photography. This hobby was the source of a lot of relationships I made during my time in school and also my love of the outdoors. Since college, my interest in taking photos has waned somewhat. This is partly because I spent time cultivating new interests and partly because of the decline of Facebook where I had shared most of my work. When I finished school, I found that my entire archive of photos - two terabytes worth - was lost to hard disk failure.

A close friend of mine was married late last year. When I was asked to take photos for her, I bought a new camera and have since been regularly using it. 2023 was kind of a wacky year and I’ve been looking for a place to leave some record of my thoughts and experiences. This blog started as a place to write about math mostly but in the absence of good alternatives, I thought maybe it could also be a place to write about the other things I happen to be up to. In the near future, this will probably mean books, music, and pictures though it will probably mean math again at some point. Nobody really reads this blog anyway and frankly, that was never really the point to begin with.

I have been actively working to recover lost work from years past and I intend to regularly share this work as it progresses. Here are a few frames I’ve found thus far.

Left: Yosemite in the winter on a backpacking trip with May May. Right: a sunset over Banner Peak taken after a hail storm I experienced backpacking with my dad.

Top/Right: images taken during the hike to Machu Picchu in Peru with May May and Anna. Bottom/Left: fog in the Yunnan during a trip to China with my mom.